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Friday, July 31, 2015

Five for Friday- July 31

Summer is almost over... WHAT??

This is my sweet friend, Alyssa. We met 5 years ago in college when we were counselors at a summer camp here in Texas. She was from Tennessee and I was from Texas, but this relationship has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. We only get to see each other 1 or 2 times a year, but it is such a sweet time when we do. God knew what he was doing when he sent her to me. I got to see her for a whopping 24 HOURS this week. My heart is very happy. 

I tackled the world of Chalk Paint this week. I have been intimidated by it for the longest time. But, my sweet husband made me this table for our entry way, and I did not want to just stain it. So, I tried my hand at this. I just use Folk Art Chalk Paint from Joann's . I did not wax it after, because quite frankly I didn't think I could do it. I painted the chalk paint on, used sandpaper, and ta-da! Our entry way is done! 

This bucket has been empty for about 3 months. We put it in our front flowerbed with the intention of decorating it, and it never happened. Since I was already feeling crafty, I finally made the sign to put in our flower bed. I would give you a picture of the whole flower bed, except it is Texas, and my Marigolds are a HOT MESS right now. 

I have been in my happy place the last couple of days. Jordan and I met my family down in Port Aransas yesterday. It has been a nice relaxing way to end the summer. 

I finished my Chevron Classroom Decor set this week! It has been on my to-do list all summer. I also finished a chalkboard set, but I am working on uploading them to TPT. The beach in my priority right now ;) See the Bundle here: Chevron Classroom Decor Bundle

Thank you Doodle Bugs Teaching for this Link Up! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

All About This Kinder Teacher

Thank you Kinder Tribe for starting this Linky Party! It is a perfect opportunity for me to get this intimidating blog thing going! 

Here goes nothing!

I can't live without my.... You should see the list of things that I wrote down to put for this section. It is borderline RIDICULOUS. Coffee, Sweet Tea, hair ties, bobby pins, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, flair pens, Scentsy, iPhone, Macbook Pro.. the list goes on and on! But ultimately Sweet Tea prevailed as always. 

Favorite School Supply... I couldn't decide. If I had to pick only one school supply I might bust, so I narrowed it down to two. Flair pens are just FABULOUS by adding fun and color to whatever I am writing. The only thing that could make these better would be making them scented! Also, I am a closet Washi Tape hoarder! I love to border my Anchor Charts with it to make them last longer, as well as provide a space of focus for my students. I also bind data sheets together with it. Sometimes I just decorate random sheets I use a lot(schedules, rosters, etc.)  just to make me happy when I look at them. :)

Favorite Kinder book... this was hard because there are SO MANY. I chose Mo Willems' books because they make such great Mentor Texts, and they are funny! It is a humor that our Kinder babies can get and relate to. So, I enjoy using them all of the time in my class. 

Favorite Kinder blog... AGAIN, this was so hard. But I chose Kickin' it in Kindergarten because I love how engaging her ideas are! But there are so many good ones out there! I hope that I can contribute to the educational community a fraction of what they have!

Lastly, I love Kindergarten because of the endless amount of entertainment involved with this age of kiddos as well as the crazy amount of true growth you see in your students. 

Now... head on over to the Kinder Tribe blog and link up to this fun PARTY!