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Thursday, July 23, 2015

All About This Kinder Teacher

Thank you Kinder Tribe for starting this Linky Party! It is a perfect opportunity for me to get this intimidating blog thing going! 

Here goes nothing!

I can't live without my.... You should see the list of things that I wrote down to put for this section. It is borderline RIDICULOUS. Coffee, Sweet Tea, hair ties, bobby pins, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, flair pens, Scentsy, iPhone, Macbook Pro.. the list goes on and on! But ultimately Sweet Tea prevailed as always. 

Favorite School Supply... I couldn't decide. If I had to pick only one school supply I might bust, so I narrowed it down to two. Flair pens are just FABULOUS by adding fun and color to whatever I am writing. The only thing that could make these better would be making them scented! Also, I am a closet Washi Tape hoarder! I love to border my Anchor Charts with it to make them last longer, as well as provide a space of focus for my students. I also bind data sheets together with it. Sometimes I just decorate random sheets I use a lot(schedules, rosters, etc.)  just to make me happy when I look at them. :)

Favorite Kinder book... this was hard because there are SO MANY. I chose Mo Willems' books because they make such great Mentor Texts, and they are funny! It is a humor that our Kinder babies can get and relate to. So, I enjoy using them all of the time in my class. 

Favorite Kinder blog... AGAIN, this was so hard. But I chose Kickin' it in Kindergarten because I love how engaging her ideas are! But there are so many good ones out there! I hope that I can contribute to the educational community a fraction of what they have!

Lastly, I love Kindergarten because of the endless amount of entertainment involved with this age of kiddos as well as the crazy amount of true growth you see in your students. 

Now... head on over to the Kinder Tribe blog and link up to this fun PARTY!


  1. I love Flair pens too!!! I have yet to use wash tape but am always intrigued by it when I see others use it.

  2. You have a cute blog!! I love Elizabeth too. She is SO nice :P I think that's why everybody loves her so much! And I am right there with you on the flair pens! I they were cheaper so that I could easily buy more!!

    A Pinch of Kinder

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am sipping on iced tea while reading your blog. Just loved iced tea and coffee during these hot summer days. I need to get some washi tape and see for myself what the big rave is all about.
      Best Wishes! 123kteach

  4. Your blog is adorable! I'm just starting up too. Glad to find another newbie! your blog is so professional looking! Did you make the template yourself?

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press

    1. Thank you! You are sweet!
      Yes! Well sort of! Stephanie Rhodes at Definitely Elementary helped a TON! We put our heads together and created our blogs. And what we couldn't figure out, we googled! You can pretty much figure out whatever you need on google! :)

  5. Love your new blog! It is too cute. We love the Pigeon books in my class as well :)

