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Friday, April 22, 2016

Five for Friday 4-22-16

Super excited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and a bunch of fabulous other teachers this week for Five for Friday! WAHOO!

Welp... this week looked a little different for me. Because Southeast Texas took a pretty big hit to some nasty storms Sunday night and Monday. So school has been cancelled for us ALL WEEK! #secondspringbreak? Nope. It was definitely not a second Spring Break for us. I woke up Monday morning and everything in our neighborhood and street was draining just fine. It quit raining around 2 pm, and by 4:30, this is what our street looked like! 
And unfortunately, we were one of the lucky ones. We had a lot of family friends that had to evacuate their homes because of flooding in their homes. It has been crazy ya'll. We were flooded in until sometime on Wednesday. It was rough because MONDAY is my GROCERY SHOPPING DAY! We were scrounging for meals. Note to self... always have a few days worth of non-perishable meals available. So, there was a lot of sleeping and napping and Netflix happening around here. 

The first thing I did when we were flooded in was take advantage of Jordan being off! I put him to work on little bit's nursery, poor guy. He is so gracious. We channeled our inner Chip and Joanna Gaines and SHIPLAPPED a wall in her nursery!!

Once we got the hang of it, it was so fun! We painted it a soft pink color (Jordan's idea) and I am glad I listened to him, because it turned out just precious. Now, I cannot handle pink everywhere. So the other 3 walls in her room are a nice creamy taupe color. 

Jordan only had 1 day off of work, so after he went back to work is when cabin fever really set in! I set aside a whole day to revamping my May Morning Work on TPT and creating a NEW product to use when I get back to work on Monday! The Morning Work just got a FACELIFT! Easier to read fonts, new phonemic awareness activities and easier to read word problems. And making the word problems in my Morning Work easier to read inspired me to make an addition and subtraction word problem product. So, I did! I focused on making names and objects used in the word problem easy peasy to read for young readers. I looked like a hot mess making this product! I was cross-eyed by the end. Thinking of words and names I could use as well as making sure I got a good spectrum of problems. LORD HAVE MERCY. If you are interested, click on the pics below to see them in my store! 

Then I set aside a day just for my home. Deep cleaning some areas that were screaming for some attention and finishing this little DIY project. I am a cliche Christian with a cross wall in my house. I grew up with a wall in my parent's house that had crosses on it and anytime we came across (no pun intended) a unique cross, we put it on the wall. My little brother welded that cross above the sign for me for a Christmas gift. It is made out of Railroad spikes from our local Railroad that goes through town. Jordan made me this sign out of some extra wood he had laying around and I finally added words to it this week since I had a LITTLE bit of down time this week. These are lyrics from and Aaron Watson song, Family Tree. We LOVE Texas Country, and we LOVE Aaron Watson and we LOVE what these lyrics stand for. 

Last but certainly not least was helping my little brother ask his girlfriend to Prom. It was their 11 month anniversary (yes, in high school these things matter). They both have a mutual love for Double Dave's pizza rolls. He is an 18 year old boy, so naturally he wanted to ask her with food. *cue pizza rolls* I don't know if asking a girl to Prom is a big deal anywhere else. But in Texas, they call them "Promposals." It is kind of ridiculous! Some of the ways his friends asked their dates are seriously close to how some of my friends were proposed to. CRAZY! Don't worry she said, "Yes!"

I hope everyone has a great and blessed weekend! Hop on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to see all of the awesome things other teachers are doing this week! 

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